Monday, April 2, 2012

Perhaps a garden

Spring has been in full swing here for a few weeks now. I am very grateful for the mild winter and the warm weather and long days we're having now. Though I'm slightly concerned that if it's 90 degrees in April, it's going to be miserable here in July. But regardless...

In a rental house, spring is when you discover things like bulbs that were planted by the tenants before you and the amount of weeds covering the yard. I also discovered that someone before me had a garden in the back yard:

So I am considering planting my own. No, this is not a delayed April Fool's joke. I know I couldn't even keep herbs alive in a window box last year, and I'm definitely wary.

But I'm told the soil in my backyard is good and anything would grow in it. I am suddenly surrounded by some expert gardeners, and someone is willing to help me.

I don't need a big garden with a lot of stuff, but it'd be nice to have my own supply of zucchini and tomatoes and maybe some basil. More to come on this, I'm sure...

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