Monday, July 16, 2012

Back at home

The adjustment back to normal life after two weeks away is never easy, and jetlag doesn't help. But my flights went smoothly, and these were waiting in my kitchen:

The next week I worked the late shift, which might have been the best solution for the jetlag because I got to sleep in every day. But I felt like my co-workers all disappeared, and I was a little stressed covering for a lot of people. Still it was good to be back, and when you think that after a vacation, you know you're in the right job.

J kept my water gardened while I was away. He picked a couple of squash and a zucchini, but there wasn't a lot of stuff. And there still isn't. It's been miserably hot and extremely dry. The squash and zucchini plants are holding their own, and I've picked a few cherry tomatoes and two green beans but that's about it. No signs of anything from the peppers and okra. I'm still hoping for some big tomatoes, and the watermelon plants have grown so maybe I'll still get something from those. I'm not completely disappointed, but I was hoping for more. We'll see how the rest of the summer goes.

And then it seems as though J and I are touring mid-Missouri this summer with fun trips to different places in the area. More to come in a separate post.

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