Friday, December 17, 2010


We got snow here today. Can you sense my excitement? There was a time when snow did excite me, I think even a year ago when they were predicting a major snowfall, I was excited. But this is what we got a year ago:

Yes, that's two feet of snow. It was more snow than this Tennessee girl had ever seen, and I took pictures and chatted excitedly with friends and family on the phone about it. I got a lot accomplished that weekend, but when I had to call a cab to get to the airport because my street wasn't clear four days later, I was over it.

And so when it happened again in January, I was bitter, and by the third major snowfall I was completely done with snow. I felt like Lorelai in the Gilmore Girls episode when she breaks up with snow. And maybe because I didn't have a Luke to make me enjoy it, I am still broken up with snow.

So when the chatter started early this week, I refused to believe it. When the caretaker at my house sprinkled salt on the sidewalk on Wednesday, I thought it was overkill. When everyone rushed to the grocery store, I refused even though it's been a rough week food-wise.

Despite all these denials, the snow came anyway and canceled my plans for dinner on the one night of the week I leave work early. Fortunately, it was only 4 inches, I don't have to drive anywhere and my boots did their job as I walked home from work. 

But even this little bit of snow has bad connotations in my head. As I walked home, I couldn't help but flashback to the treachery I faced just walking to work after the first major snowfall and the way the snow lingered for weeks and weeks. I would be content if these four inches are all the snow we get this winter because it seems I need more than a year to recover from the snow overkill from last winter.

On the positive side, canceled dinner plans and an early night meant that I tried a recipe for butternut squash risotto, which was pretty good. But I'm not sure how I will feel about it as leftovers. I also accomplished more tonight than I have in the last week. I can actually see the floor of my apartment and will have clean clothes!

*If you like snow (or even if you don't but need to read something positive), go read my friend Coralie's post.

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