Monday, January 23, 2012

Celebration weekend

Last year one of my goals was to memorize Scripture. I knew I needed to have my mind focused on God’s truths and promises and regain control of my thought life.

My accountability for memorizing verses was through Beth Moore’s blog. Every two weeks I added another verse and checked in on the blog. My friend Katherine did the same, and it was nice to have a friend holding me accountable as well.

It was interesting to go back through my verses over the course of the year and remember what was happening during my life during that time. (There were a lot of verses about waiting.) And clinging to these verses is what got me through a lot of the changes in my life over the last year.

Early on I knew there would be a celebration in Houston for those that completed the year with all the verses, but it was a year away and seemed like a long way to travel. But when summer rolled around and it became apparent I would be moving away from Virginia and Katherine would be walking a tough road, we put it on the calendar and insisted we would meet in Houston in January. I think we both needed something to look forward to.

And this past weekend we got to see each other for the first time in six months. It was such a blessing and an encouragement to see her and catch up in person. 

The event itself was great, it was more intimate and personal than the other Beth Moore events I’ve attended. We were sitting just nine rows back from where Beth was speaking.

(Horrible quality but that is Beth.)

Her message was powerful as always and such an encouragement. If you have ever heard Beth, you know that she makes very clear points and often weaves them into a word. This weekend the word was walking. 

Her first point was: “We are all starved for some face to face.” And I thought, that’s exactly it. I was starving for some time with one of my best friends who knows me after months of trying to cultivate relationships in a new city. I needed the time away to really worship the Lord, and He used Beth as a vessel to speak to me face to face.

The last point Beth made was that we have to go out into the word walking in what you know.

Even though I wanted to hop back on the plane with Katherine to Virginia to return to my community there, I know God has me where He wants me and that’s where I’m called to go back. And so I’m here walking with these verses on my heart and mind.

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